Matt: “Over the Road OCD” really opened my eyes into the world of truckers. I had no idea that there was so much attention to detail in that occupation. Through all the details you provided, from the bookwork to the checking of the chains, I definitely became more aware of how much time and effort goes into the job. The only thing that I could find wrong was a couple missing words in particular sentences, but that’s an easy revision with just a little rereading. “Selling Storyboards” was a nice twist to the prompt at hand. I enjoyed the story that related yourself to the prompt and yet took it to a whole other level. When reading the prompt, I didn’t even think to write about an incidence, in which I found graphic novels and comics to be apart of my life, so what you wrote about, was very interesting. Besides the story, I really enjoyed what you had to say about “graphic novels,” and how they ruin the whole reading part. I definitely agree.
Miranda: “Welcome to Sundays” was a great story. I used to hang out at tattoo parlors and I actually started getting into piercing once I graduated high school so I know what you were talking about in the story. I remember that every tattoo and piercing place had keep a super clean area in order to be considered a sanitary environment for the piercings and such, so I can only imagine what it must be like as an employee. You did a great job of helping to visualize the scene as you lingered through the shift. Nice work! “Hit or Miss” really hit the point I was trying to make in my own blog. I totally agree that pictures can help the storyline, but they can also lead the reader to confusion. And, I also was thoroughly confused by “Blankets.” I think I would have better understood what the writer was trying to convey if he had actually written it out for us rather then just the drawings. Couldn’t have put the argument better.
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