Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Peer Reviews 03-29

Matt: I like the references like “Indiana Jones” and “Thelma and Louise.” It gives a nice visual and movies are almost always a safe bet when needing something to compare something else to. My favorite line in the first person perspective is, “The human inclination towards self preservation is putting up a fight against this action that seems downright suicidal.” It sounds so elegant and is something that I can relate to.  Your attention to detail with how you were feeling and how your friends were acting, I felt like I was on the cliff with you guys, watching as you hesitated to jump off and I liked the way the first perspective ended with you wanting to go again because that’s a classic feeling that can be related to. I also couldn’t help but laugh at the end of the third person perspective. It was so hilarious that South Point is the breeding grounds for sharks! And the way the story was told from a stranger’s perspective, not even paying much attention to you guys jumping into shark infested water is just too funny. I hope you guys knew what you were jumping into before actually jumping!  And I know I’m supposed to critique something, but I really enjoyed every bit of this blog, and there’s not one thing I would change.

Miranda: Prompt 29 really made me want to go jump in some rain puddles. I totally remember doing that as a little girl and having my grandparents or mom tell me to stop in case it causes me to catch a cold, but I love the visualizations and the idea behind it. It was such a cute piece and I like your metaphors of rain being like tiny kisses. It really brings out your personality in the writings. For the blog, “Gonna go with Uncomfortable,” my favorite line was the very last sentence which describes your most uncomfortable place as being as the one place you count on. I liked your descriptions that led up to that conclusion and I found that it really tied it all together. You did a great job with the details and I’m sorry to hear that your step-mom was so lousy, which by the way, I hate small fat statues too.

Nicola: Sorry we missed your writing this time! Look forward to the next time!

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